Shilton, Weyers & Asociados


Edgardo Jorge Shilton

Edgardo Jorge Shilton

Certified Public Accountant

Carlos Alberto<br>Mercero

Carlos Alberto

Certified Public Accountant

Patricia Fátima <br>Díaz

Patricia Fátima

Certified Public Accountant

Gustavo Guillermo<br>Strauss

Gustavo Guillermo

Certified Public Accountant

Fernando Carlos<br>Benedetto

Fernando Carlos

Certified Public Accountant

Associate Partner BPO

Cristina Karamanian

Cristina Karamanian

Certified Public Accountant & Bachelor In Bussiness Administration


Marcelo Adrián González

Marcelo Adrián González

Certified Public Accountant

Graciela Marta Bianconi

Graciela Marta Bianconi

Certified Public Accountant & Bachelor in Business Administration

Edgardo Renán Codutti

Edgardo Renán Codutti

Certified Public Accountant

Curriculum Vitae

Edgardo Jorge Shilton

Certified Public Accountant
National University of Morón

  • Partner of Shilton, Weyers & Asociados since 1988.
  • Has taken part in international conferences organized by Praxity
  • Former manager of Tax Division in Pistrelli, Diaz, y Asociados, (Arthur Andersen & Co) where he worked for more than 14 years.
  • Instructor in training courses on his specific subject delivered in different organizations and in Pistrelli, Diaz y Asociados.
  • Participant in several local tax meetings organized by the Consejo Profesional de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of the City of Buenos Aires).
  • Participant in international congresses on fiscal subjects organized by Arthur Andersen & Co.
  • Former member of the Argentine Institute of Fiscal Policy for Finance Executives.
  • Former member of the Tax Counseling Division at Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.
  • Author of several articles on tax issues.

Carlos Alberto Mercero

Certified Public Accountant
National University of Buenos Aires

  • Partner of Shilton, Weyers & Asociados since 2008.
  • Has taken part in international conferences organized by Praxity
  • Has given training courses on its area of expertise for several centers and institutions, as well as inhouse training for Shilton, Weyers & Asociados staff.
  • Participant in several Accounting, Corporate and Audit Seminars organized by the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires).
  • Former assistant teacher at the School of Economic Sciences, University of Buenos Aires.
  • Former member of the Audit Commission of the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires).
  • Participant in International Conventions and Training Seminars organized by Praxity.

Gustavo Guillermo Strauss

Certified Public Accountant
National University of Morón

  • Partner of Shilton, Weyers & Asociados since 2008.
  • Has taken part in international conferences organized by Praxity
  • Has given training courses on its area of expertise for several centers and institutions, as well as inhouse training for Shilton, Weyers & Asociados staff.
    • Participante en diversas Jornadas de Tributación organizadas por el Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Capital Federal.
    • Participante en diversas Jornadas de Tributación organizadas por la Asociación Argentina de Estudios Fiscales.
    • Participante en diversas Jornadas de Tributación organizadas por la Universidad Austral.
    • Participante en Convenciones Internacionales sobre temas fiscales organizadas por Praxity.

Patricia Díaz

Certified Public Accountant
 National University of Tucumán

  • Partner of Shilton, Weyers & Asociados since 2008.
  • Has taken part in international conferences organized by Praxity
  • Instructor in training courses on his specific subject delivered in different organizations, and for Shilton, Weyers & Asociados staff.
  • Participante en diversas Jornadas de Contabilidad, Auditoría e Impuestos organizadas por el Colegio de Graduados de Ciencias Económicas de Tucumán.
  • Participante en diversas Jornadas Laborales y previsionales organizadas por el Colegio de Graduados de Ciencias Económicas de Tucumán.
  • Participant in several Tax Seminars organized by the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires).
  • Participante en diversos Seminarios organizados por La Ley, Editorial Errepar y el Centro para el Desarrollo de la Organización.

Fernando Carlos Benedetto

Certified Public Accountant
National University of Morón

  • Partner of Shilton, Weyers & Asociados since 2008.
  • Has taken part in international conferences organized by Praxity
  • Head Professor of the subject Seminar on Administrative Accounting Practice, in the Economic Science School of the University of Lomas de Zamora.
  • Member of the Argentine Association of Tax Issues.
  • Has given training courses on its area of expertise for several centers and institutions, as well as inhouse training for Shilton, Weyers & Asociados staff.
  • Participant in several Tax Seminars organized by the Argentine Association of Tax Studies and the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires).
  • Participant in the “Tax Update Program” at the Argentine Association of Tax Studies since 1996.

Edgardo Codutti
Certified Public Accountant

National University of Buenos Aires

      • Manager in Shilton, Weyers & Asociados since 2013.
      • Specialized in audits, with more than 25-year experience in external audits of financial statements, review engagements for interim periods and other assurance engagements. 
      • Has taken part in Specialization Courses on Accounting and Audit Standards, both National and International, in the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires).
      • Has taken part in several Seminars on Accounting, Corporate Law and Audit, organized by the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
      • Has taken part in Refresher Training on Accounting, Corporate Law and Audit, organized by Errepar Publishing Company.
      • Has given training courses on his areas of specialization for clients and staff of Shilton, Weyers & Asociados.

Graciela Marta Bianconi
Certified Public Accountant & Bachelor in Business Administration

National University of Buenos Aires

  • Manager in Shilton, Weyers & Asociados since 2009.
  • Specialized in audits, with more than 25-year experience in external audits of financial statements, review engagements for interim periods and other assurance engagements.
  • Is pursuing a Master in Accounting and Audit in the University of Salvador.
  • Has taken part in Postgraduate Courses on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and USGAAP in the University of Buenos Aires.
  • Has taken part in Specialization Courses on Accounting and Audit Standards, both National and International, in the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires).
  • Has taken part in several Seminars on Accounting, Corporate Law and Audit, organized by the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
  • Has taken part in Refresher Training on Accounting, Corporate Law and Audit, organized by Errepar Publishing Company.
  • Has given training courses on his areas of specialization for clients and staff of Shilton, Weyers & Asociados.

Marcelo Adrián González
Certified Public Accountant

National University of Buenos Aires

      • Gerente del Estudio Shilton, Weyers & Asociados desde el año 2017
      • Specialized in taxes, with more than 25-year experience in tax planning, expert advice and tax assessments, both at a national and international level.
      • Has given training courses on its area of expertise for several centers and institutions, as well as inhouse training for Shilton, Weyers & Asociados staff.
      • Speaker at Professional Seminars organized by the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires)
      • Has taken part in several Seminars of his area of expertise organized by the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentine Association of Tax Studies, University of Buenos Aires, Errepar Publishing Company and other institutions involved in his area of expertise
      • Former technical and professional advisor for the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
      • Former Professor Assistant at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina in the subjects Taxes, Taxes I and Taxes II.

Edgardo Jorge Shilton

Certified Public Accountant
National University of Morón

  • Partner of Shilton, Weyers & Asociados since 1988.
  • Has taken part in international conferences organized by Praxity
  • Former manager of Tax Division in Pistrelli, Diaz, y Asociados, (Arthur Andersen & Co) where he worked for more than 14 years.
  • Instructor in training courses on his specific subject delivered in different organizations and in Pistrelli, Diaz y Asociados.
  • Participant in several local tax meetings organized by the Consejo Profesional de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of the City of Buenos Aires).
  • Participant in international congresses on fiscal subjects organized by Arthur Andersen & Co.
  • Former member of the Argentine Institute of Fiscal Policy for Finance Executives.
  • Former member of the Tax Counseling Division at Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.
  • Author of several articles on tax issues.