Our services
We provide tax services with a team that boasts a sound academic background and a vast track-record in tax advisory, committed to providing a tailored, high-quality service and assistance in tax compliance.
Services include:
- Tax planning.
- Addressing specific inquiries.
- Analysis of tax and social security strategies for specific situations.
- Preparation and review of national, provincial and municipal tax returns.
- Advisory services related to tax registration, deregistration and exemptions.
- Tax advisory services for Expatriates - Inpatriates.
- International Tax Strategy.
- Tax Due Diligence.
- Preparation of tax protest briefs at an administrative and judicial level.
- Assistance in official inspections.
- VAT refunds related to exports.
- Tax residence.
We provide audit services to validate financial information to be used by the Board and by Regulatory Agencies, by using our specialized team’s vast knowledge, skills and experience to provide a high-quality service.
Our services include:
- External audit of annual financial statements
- Limited reviews of interim financial statements
- Conversion of Financial Statements to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS/IFRS) and Us Gaap
- Purchase Due Diligence.
- Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions.
- Operational audits.
- Preparation of reports to Head office.
- Special reports and certifications to be filed with regulatory bodies.
- Accounting certifications.
Transfer Pricing
Given our vast experience in this field and our highly specialized staff, we assist multinational companies in complying with applicable legal regulations in this field.
Our services include:
- Assistance in preparing the necessary documentation to support the prices used in transactions between related parties.
- Electronic data bases of comparable transactions and companies.
- Preparation of tax returns filed with the AFIP.
- Preparation of Transfer Pricing Reports.
We provide advice to our clients in relation to projects that seek to improve and control business processes, offering solutions tailored to each need.
Our services include:
- Examination of administrative circuits.
- Reviews of company’s internal controls.
- Fraud detection and prevention.
- Design of rules and procedures.
Loan Staff
We loan staff to address several needs, when so required by the client
- Leaves of absence.
- Seasonal work overload in administration, accounting and tax departments.
We offer training courses in several fields of specialization.
- In-company courses: on specific subjects, given by our more seasoned professionals, or recognized external advisors; they are offered “in-company” either at our offices or in third-party’s facilities.
- In-company facilitators: train-the-trainer courses for managerial staff.
We provide outsourcing of administrative, tax and accounting processes in order for our clients to focus on their own business. Our company has an outsourcing collaboration agreement with professional firms with a vast experience in this field to jointly provide outsourcing services.
Our services include:
- Start-up services.
- Administration and finance services.
- Accounting services.
- Human resource services