Certified Public Accountant & Bachelor in Business Administration
National University of Buenos Aires
- Manager in Shilton, Weyers & Asociados since 2009.
- Specialized in audits, with more than 25-year experience in external audits of financial statements, review engagements for interim periods and other assurance engagements.
- Is pursuing a Master in Accounting and Audit in the University of Salvador.
- Has taken part in Postgraduate Courses on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and USGAAP in the University of Buenos Aires.
- Has taken part in Specialization Courses on Accounting and Audit Standards, both National and International, in the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Association of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires).
- Has taken part in several Seminars on Accounting, Corporate Law and Audit, organized by the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
- Has taken part in Refresher Training on Accounting, Corporate Law and Audit, organized by Errepar Publishing Company.
- Has given training courses on her areas of specialization for clients and staff of Shilton, Weyers & Asociados.